Astrology is followed differently in different areas of the world. Bhaskarapanikkar was started his career in the year 2002 as astrologer. Bhaskarapanikkar is not like an ordinary Astrologer where predictions are based on principles of that particular subject. Moreover his predictions depend upon the level of mastery of the Astrologer on that subject. But it is something very unique. He is specialised in the areas, Sudharsana Homam, Sathrudosha Pariharam, Mrithyunjaya Homam, Bhagavathi Seva, Vasthu Bali, Pancha Siras Sthapanam etc...


>> Pooja, Parihara Kriya

>> Jyothisham

>> Sudharsana Homam

>> Sathrudosha Pariharam

>> Mrithyunjaya Homam

>> Bhagavathi Seva

>> Vasthu Bali

>> Pancha Siras Sthapanam

How to Find Us


 Near Sbi Bank, Kallai Road, Calicut - 673003

